Launching and scaling a career requires huge investment. Well not if you start small and grow it properly. By properly, I mean you know where to focus, you have the right system, you have the right resources, and you know how to drive your business.

Ways to Stabilize Your Business Management system:

The life of a business is continuous and cyclical. Just like the life journey of human beings, the business has its own journey as well. Resiliency in business means loyalty not only with your employees but also with your clients, and other stakeholders.


But how do you show resiliency? Resiliency is marked by good leadership, systems, ability to carry on the purpose, mission, vision of the company, flexibility and dynamism. Preparing for business resiliency needs time, effort, and resources. The success in business has patterns, these patterns are widely used by multinational companies which are used from one venture to another. Can you reproduce your business from these patterns? Yes, and obviously for an irrelevant fraction of cost paid by the companies who researched them. This is the Code of Zeta in Business Management.

 Leader of a Small to Medium Enterprises (SME)

As a leader of a Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) you need a lot of emotional power. Also strength to pass through the process of establishing a new company. Although you must have a laser like focus on your purpose, vision, mission, and goals to handle frustrations on your way to achieving your targets. Moreover you must have clear systems and programs to command, implement, get feedback, and readjust your plans. Mainly you are the driving force of your business.

well your commitment to your stakeholders should come as a devotion. The integrity, reliability, and trustworthiness are your sword. And you must keep it that way. You must keep your word, produce, and accomplish your targets.

While the business requires hardworking, intelligent, and responsible team members, they must be handled with humanity and compassion. This is how you build the loyalty of your team. No need of using excessive force in team management. Your team will make errors and mistakes, that is given, that is how they learn and be adept in their decision making later. That is how they get experience. If you want to hire experienced people, then you need to pay more, but you will not be sure if you can keep them. Be tough only when necessary.

Good Business Management Plan:

A good business plan has the “plan” to achieve your targets. But plans are flexible to the market needs, while your purpose, vision, and mission remains the same. Innovations are far more appreciated in the business dynamic universe. Plans are set from thorough calculations and detailed planning, but there should always be a room for recalculation, and another set of detailed planning. You cannot stop change! You must adapt with change.

Risk and Cash Management:

You must know when to act and how to act through Risk Management. You must know how to accomplish your targets at a minimum cost and ensure healthy cash flow with Cash Management. There are business processes which are simple yet a ground for “fraud and corruption,” the better you manage these processes through preventive and detective controls the more you have peace of mind in the business and focus your time on what really matters. You build your reputation on your team and on the products and services that you provide. If you lose reputation, you will again start from scratch. Stress Management must be part of your team project, this is how you effectively align the purpose, mission, and vision of the company with your team. There is no blame game anymore, there are only responsibilities and accountabilities. The business environment can be stressful, as a leader you need to understand when to change the energy within your team, to keep them motivated and passionate.

Tone ; The Soul of Business:

The tone at the top is the life and soul of the business. The Code of Zeta in Business Management helps leaders lead their business with purpose while effectively achieving their targets. It helps in the leadership quality, business planning, business management, stress management, and effective and efficient foundational business processes.


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