.The human brain is one of the prevalent and complex organs of human body. It is composed of billions of nerves that communicate in trillions of connections in the brain. 

Functions of Brain:

In this writing we discuss the different functions of our brain.

  1. Physical Function 
  2. Learning Function
  3. Manifestation Function
  • The Physical Function

The brain is surrounded by a layer of tissue called the meninges. Although the skull (cranium) helps safeguard the brain from injury. However the outermost layer of the brain cells is the cortex. Most importantly body’s voluntary movements and thinking begin in the cortex. Between the spinal cord and the rest of the brain is the brain stem. It controls basic body functions such as sleeping and breathing. Although bundle of structures in the midpoint of the brain which is responsible with the communication between the multiple areas of the brain is called the basal ganglia. At the base of the back of the brain is the cerebellum. which is responsible for the coordination and balance. 

Our brain is divided into 4 lobes. The frontal lobes are responsible for judgment, problem solving, and motor function. However the parietal lobes manage sensation, handwriting, body position. Temporal lobes memory and hearing . While the visual processing is managed in the occipital lobes.

  • The Learning Function

The brain learns to attend to selective fragments of information based on our past experiences.  Our brain has two hemispheres that deal with the exact same information differently. So our survival brain is stimulated by fear and holds information as current, unorganized and dangerous. Until we reprocess it in some way.  

  • The Brain Selection Process

Human brain learns to attend to selective fragments of information based on our past experiences.  When we were babies, we take in massive amounts of information at extraordinary speeds. But our neuropathways (connections between our brain cells) are ignited. This allows our brain to begin to sort, organize and qualify information. As we learn to do this arranging, our brain begins to leave out or disregard information. It identifies as unimportant and is basically moving the neuropathways into what we use most as opposed to what we use least. 

Like our brain. If there are 7 people witnessing a crime and interviewed separately. They will remember different things about the subject. Are some people wrong and some right? No, they all have witnessed the same situation. However each one of them has their own “mental filters”. They will each remember what their brain has been trained to attend to through a lifetime of sorting and selection of neuropathways.

Our brain develops super pathways for thoughts and experiences that are very important. The perception of “importance” is different from one person to another. As our brain develops more complex thinking. We start to evaluate for needs based on past experience. 

General Example:

If we grew up in a home where food was limited. We might have a super neuropathway that attends to food. This type of people may tend to put more importance on their mealtimes and content on daily basis. If you grew up in an environment where material things were key measure of respect and self-worth. Then you might be more prone to notice environmental factors. 

Some people have disposition toward depression, addiction, or anxiety. Although some have inclination for procrastination, avoidance, and obsession. However  some have very low self-esteem, and some have inclination to suicide. All of these has something to do with the patterns of superhighways engineered when we were younger.

Do we want this? Nobody wants to feel depressed, fear, and failure. However, these are the coping mechanism that works for some people most of the time. These people want better experiences in life, but the pathways are difficult to re-engineer. The Code of Zeta in Coaching and Mind Transformation is the doorway to help accelerate building different and newer pathways.

Our brain continues to practice and maintain neuropathways that we use frequently and release the pathways that we do not use. This activity creates super pathways to our current behavior.   

  • The Analytical, Emotional, and Survival Brain

Our brain has two hemispheres that deal with the exact same information differently. Specifically left hemisphere of our brain is more analytical while the right hemisphere of our brain is more emotional and abstract. Each person processes similar information in two different ways. That is information processed and recorded by the right brain is different than that recorded by the left brain even though the information captured is the same.

The survival human brain is the third part of our brain that is triggered by fear and connected to the right side or our brain. This part of our brain is only active in events that stimulates extreme fears for ourselves or others. The experiences recorded in the survival brain are traumatic events. Since the survival brain does not recognize time and has no system for organizing information. It considers all recorded information as actual or present. When information is stored in the survival brain, it does not get processed through the logical part of the brain.  The data stays in this unfiled order and the brain gain access to this information randomly, until they are reprocessed by the logical brain.   So the Code of Zeta in Coaching and Mind Transformation is the doorway to help accelerate the re-processing of these information. 

  • The Manifestation Function  

Each cell in your brain creates patterns of thought, imagination and will. The human brain is the communication channel of your thought forms. Though forms are comprising of thoughts and emotions. It is where you send and received thoughts from other beings. Human brain is proficient of picking up vibrations of thoughts released by other brains. The brain receives thought vibration from other brain through Creative Imagination. Surprisingly brain sends out or release thought vibration through your subconscious mind.

What you transmit through your subconscious mind is what you received as physical experience. The question is, what are you broadcasting or transmitting? Is your brain predominantly sending out negative or positive thoughts?  You would know this from the physical experiences you are having on your day-to-day life.

Well, there is a way to change the patterns of your sub-conscious mind.  Remember it is through your subconscious mind that you received all the physical experiences in your life. Example all the money you want, the house, the partner, the business, the promotion, etc. The Code of Zeta in Mind Transformation provides you with methods that re-engineer your subconscious mind.  These methods interrupt the existing thought patterns that are released from your brain through your subconscious mind. That make a more constructive thoughts to benefit your life.

The Code of Zeta in Mind Transformation provides you with principles to remember and apply when you wish to use your broadcasting station. They coordinate your power of thoughts and accomplishments. 


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