Keep Up with ZETA

Grow to Save You!

Perhaps the biggest lie that we place ourselves into is “I am not enough.” Our father left us when I was two-year-old, I am the youngest of 5 children. All my life I wondered If I was the reason he left. Am I not lovable enough? If my own biological father could leave...

How Energy Affect Us?

The aura or bio-energy field is a signal that travels throughout the nervous system creating a unique electromagnetic field of the organism, it has information about the individual's psychological and mental status. Scientist Semyon Kirlian started the scientific...

7 Reflection Areas for Life Fulfilling Experiences

Heaven or hell on earth lies in our own life experiences. Many of us wander on the receiving end of life. We just receive what life gives us day in and day out. We don’t create intentions on how the day, the week, the month of the year would be. Sounds familiar? ...


Self-Improvement: A Key to Success

Self-Improvement: A Key to Success

If only self-improvement advice were free and scattered around everywhere, then there will be no issues and challenges regarding life, happiness, and success. But life doesn’t...

The Human Brain

The Human Brain

.The human brain is one of the prevalent and complex organs of human body. It is composed of billions of nerves that communicate in trillions of connections in the brain. ...

How Universal Forces Affects Our Life

How Universal Forces Affects Our Life

   There are Universal Supernatural Forces that governs the universe where we live. These are something that we cannot see, touch, feel, smell, and heard. But they rule the...

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Today marks the opening of J&P Co. International.

It’s our founder’s birthday!



Zeta Code

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Freebies Day

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J&P Co. International giving away freebies to help benchmarked your business processes!. Check whats new in freebies

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New Products

Fundamental Psychology of Mindset Transformation

Train. Gain. Maintain.

Win At Work And In Your Life With This Topmost Performance Program

Mastering Psychology of Mindset Transformation

Master. Faster.

Be The Expert In Winning At Work And In Whats New Your Life With This Peak Performance Program

Money in the hands of good people has the power to change the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a homemaker in my 50s and would want to open up my own business soon. Whats new in business Can I still join with my age and with no business background?

Age is not a hindrance to grow. Life has paces and cycles, and so as business. The Code of ZETA in Business will accelerate your entrepreneurial experience. It will help you prevent start-up business issues, situations and whats new going on in business. Also carry on with your business smoothly with complete peace of mind.

Can I be part of ZETA after taking certain classes?
The Code of ZETA in Coaching will make you part of our skilled Coach Family. This comes along with membership subscription. You will be part of our website and marketing. You will be partnered with clients that will be proned to your line and type of coaching.
I work full-time for a company but I'm interested to take up training with ZETA. Do you have several sessions in a day that I can work my schedule around on?
Our 90 days program is an online course who you have an annual access. All classes are recorded and archived. However, since we care about your growth and transformation, we recommend that you visit the course daily and do your homework as soon as possible. Remember that we are re-engineering a new YOU based on what you want, what you desire, and what your true nature is.